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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Album Review: Def Leppard - Pyromania (1983)

I loved Hysteria by Def Leppard.  Absolutely loved it.  An album full of A grade singles, a few more great numbers and not a filler in sight. I own a copy on CD, and it's the precious.  A few years back, the original album was pulled from Spotify and was subsequently replaced with re-recordings, which were admittedly "OK", but I was insistent on the original.  Now that the original is back up, I have since updated the review with the Spotify player link embedded into it (just for your information).  Anyway, onto the album I'm reviewing right now, which is Pyromania, their previous effort, and not too bad an effort I must say, although I still consider it to be notably inferior to Hysteria.  My favorite on the album, "Photograph" could easily be mistaken for a song from Hysteria. It's a great song, the greatest on the album. Pyromania struggles to hold my attention the way Hysteria does, although that certainly doesn't mean that it's a bad album. Quite the contrary, it is very good indeed.  "Stagefright", "Die Hard the Hunter" and "Comin' Under Fire" are the other tracks to look out for if you're asking for any recommendations from yours truly.  Otherwise, it's certainly worth picking up if you're just getting into Def Leppard. A nice album, and a definite pickup for hard rock collectors.  B+

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