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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Album Review: White Zombie - Astrocreep: 2000 Songs of Love, Destruction and Other Synthetic Delusions of the Electric Head (1995)

For a guy who once owned a Rob Zombie shirt, and is an unabashed fan of his music, I should be listening to a lot more of it these days than what I do now.  I must come clean in saying that I haven't been listening to his stuff for a long, long time now, and frankly that just won't do.  After watching Beavis & Butt-head Do America last night, I decided that I have been living under a rock.  Living under a rock and listening to everything BUT Rob Zombie or White Zombie.  Or anything else regarding industrial metal (that reminds me, I MUST write a review of Sehnsucht by Rammstein!) for that matter.  Well, I've made amends by checking out Astrocreep: 2000 Songs of Love, Destruction and Other Synthetic Delusions of the Electric Head from 1995.  I haven't heard the album in its entirety before, but having recently done so, I am going to say that it is pretty much everything I've come to expect from White Zombie.  Realizing that there is more to the band than songs such as "More Human Than Human" and "Super Charger Heaven", I'm soon reveling in "Electric Head, Part 1 (The Agony" and "Electric Head, Part 2 (The Ecstasy).  And I'm quite attached to "Real Solution #9" and "Grease Paint and Monkey Brains" too.  "Blur The Technicolor" and "Blood, Milk and Sky" I tend to play the least.  Discovering new music is always a joy, but rediscovering something you once loved and forgot is just as satisfying too.  And for some reason, I can't help but think of Frank Zappa when I listen to it again.  A-

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